• Fill the landing area with soil, according to the profile measurements during the previous World Cup
• Set the landing area - at the length of 185 m - 33. 3 m wide, at 215 m - 37.0 m wide, at 240 m - 38,5 m wide, at U-point - 40m wide (a fall line)
• Renew and rebuild security fences
• Lengthen the fences at the upper part of the landing area (from 18.5 m to the kick-off)
• Measure the differences between start positions, which can be no more than 40 cm apart (measured vertically)
• Seperate the cabins for the judges
• Set the wall in front of the judge, which should not exceed height of 1.0 m
• Rebuild and refurbish all the stairs and paths from the bottom to the inrun
• Build a brand new chairlift that runs from the bottom to the starting point of the inrun
KOMIN inženiring d.o.o.
The total value of the works carried out - Flying hill by brothers Gorišek € 1,407,326.34.
The total value of the works carried out - Chairlift Heron € 1,669,020.00.
The total value of works - Forest road € 215,202.18.

• Mojca Plestenjak, MIZŠ
• Jelko Gros, ZŠRS Planica
• Daniel Oblak, ZŠRS Planica
• Franci Petek, SAS
• Primož Finžgar, SAS
• Peter Petriček, SAS

The solutions that made significant inroads into the landscape and with respect to nature as well as the heritage introduced some new facilities and arrangements, got better results. The next stage in the assessment was the evaluation of the functional aspect of solutions of the Planica Nordic Centre.

GH Holding d.d.
Investment values: € 5,815,866.98
Suppliers of the equipment:
Plastics – OYC.E. Lindgren, System for restraining of the snow – Seil Frey, Snow miling roller for the inrun – Punt International d.o.o., In-run ski track – Mana Original d.o.o., System for freezing in-run track – Kota d.o.o.

Gorenjska gradbena družba d.d.
Investment value: € 4,023,699.28
Suppliers of the equipment:
Inclined lift – Riko d.o.o., Bridging over the torrent – Hidrotehnik d.d; Plastics – OYC.E. Lindgren, System for restraining of the snow – Seil Frey, Snow miling roller for the inrun – Punt International d.o.o., In-run ski track – Mana Original d.o.o., and System of winches – Dr. Duhovnik d.o.o.

The construction of Čaplja Service facility lasted from April 2013 to March 2014. After the contract with Imos d.d. was terminated, its successor, Kolektor Koling has completed the works in November 2015. Within the project, company Riko d.o.o. conducted the pumping system for snowmaking, irrigation of the jumping hills, and the central control system.
IMOS d.d.
Investment value: € 2,967,767.31
CCI works - completion:
Kolektor Koling d.o.o.
Investment value: € 594,031.51
System for irrigation and snowmaking:
Riko d.o.o.
Investment value: € 785,648.45

SGP Tehnik d.d.
Investment value: € 437,780.50
CCI works – completion:
Javna razsvetljava d.d.
Investment value: € 3,792,663.81

The main attractions of the facility are horizontal and vertical wind tunnel, which are the unique Slovenian products. The vertical wind tunnel extends over six floors, while the flight area extends over two floors. A special attraction of the facility is also the indoor running track for cross-country skiing. In the summer the start-finish area of the ski-running track can be turned into a footbal field.
Supplier of equipment – furniture: Lesnina MG oprema d.d.
Investment value: € 245,994.53
Supply and installation of technological equipment for the interpretative centre was carried out by TSE d.o.o. with consortium partners: Reset d.o.o. and Art rebel 9 d.o.o.
Investment value: € 600,000.00

The setting up of cross-country courses encompassed the arrangements of the courses on the landslide under Cipernik and the establishing of connections between the ski area of Slatna and the neighboring forest clearings. The project of building the courses included building three bridges and a skating track. The construction of the courses was completed in record time. It took place from September to November 2015.
Zigrad d.d.
Investment value: € 965,193.45

Its construction took place on very difficult terrain, without access roads, so the contractor decided for helicopter assembly. The weight of the pillars was such that we needed to hire a Swiss company, one of the few specialized for this type of installation in Europe.
The construction and the installation lasted from November 2014 until August 2015.
Javna razsvetljava d.d.
Investment value: EUR 342,015.81

Elan Inventa d.o.o.
Investment value: € 647,900.00